Choose this item to edit preferences that deal with uploading. You have selected the “Downloading” section of Preferences. Choose this item to edit preferences that deal with downloading. You have selected the “General” section of Preferences. Choose this item to edit general Fetch preferences. This item lets you quit from the Fetch application. This item lets you print the contents of the front window if it is a text window or a help window. This item is not available because the front window is not a text or help window. This item lets you print the contents of the front window if it is a text window or a help window. This item lets you set print options. This item lets you save the contents of the frontmost window as a text file. This item is not available because the front window is not a text window. This item lets you save the contents of the frontmost window as a text file. This item closes the current connection (if the Fetch window is frontmost) or closes the current window (if a text or help window is frontmost). This item is not available because there is no current connection. This item closes the current connection (if the Fetch window is frontmost) or closes the current window (if a text or help window is frontmost). This sub-menu lets you open a connection in one step, using one of the available shortcuts. If you are currently connected that connection will be closed. This item lets you open a new connection to the host of your choice. If you are currently connected that connection will be closed. This command is not available until you respond to the alert or dialog box. Use this menu to open or close connections, save or print information, or quit Fetch. This menu is not available until you respond to the alert or dialog box. Use this menu to open or close connections, save or print information, or quit Fetch. This lets you set the font, font size, and tab width for the current text window. This command is not available because the frontmost window is not a text window. This lets you set the font, font size, and tab width for the current text window. You may also set the font characteristics to be used for new windows. This item lets you search for the next occurance of the text you entered into the Find... dialog. This item lets you search for occurances of a string of text in the frontmost window. This item lets you delete the selected items. This item is not available because Fetch does not support Clear. This item lets you place the contents of the Clipboard into the current window. This item is not available because Fetch does not support Paste. This item lets you copy the selected text to the Clipboard. This item is not available because no text is selected or because Fetch does not support Copy in this window. This item lets you copy the selected text to the Clipboard. This item lets you move the selected items to the Clipboard. This item is not available because Fetch does not support Cut. This item lets you undo the last editing action. This item is not available because Fetch does not support Undo. This command is not available until you respond to the alert or dialog box. This menu lets you copy text from text windows, find occurances of text, and change the font used in text windows. This menu is not available until you respond to the alert or dialog box. This menu lets you copy text from text windows, find occurances of text, and change the font used in text windows. This item lets you create a new directory on the remote host. This item is not available because the Fetch window is not frontmost, or because there is no connection. This item lets you create a new directory on the remote host. This item lets you type in the name of a new current directory. This item is not available because the Fetch window is not frontmost, or because there is no connection. This item lets you type in the name of a new current directory. This command is not available until you respond to the alert or dialog box. Use this menu to change the current directory or create new directories. This menu is not available until you respond to the alert or dialog box. Use this menu to change the current directory or create new directories. This is the current directory. Choose this item to refresh the file list. Choose this item to make it the current directory. Choose this item to make it the current directory. Use this item to add, remove, or change post-processing options. Post-processing options can automatically open a specified application when files of a specified type are downloaded. Use this item to add, remove, or change suffix mappings. A suffix mapping associates a certain file name suffix (such as “.gif”) with a type of file and (optionally) a Mac application that can manipulate the file. Use this item to add, remove, or change shortcuts. Shortcuts give you a quick way to refer to a certain account on a certain host. Use this item to edit various program preferences, in such areas as uploading, downloading, and file formats. This command is not available until you respond to the alert or dialog box. Use this menu to customize Fetch’s operation to your liking. This menu is not available until you respond to the alert or dialog box. Use this menu to customize Fetch’s operation to your liking. You can change various preferences, edit the shortcut list, provide new suffix mappings, and specifiy new post-processing options. Choose this item to use the file type and creator of this kind of file. This item lets you see what version of Fetch is running, the copyright notice, and restrictions on Fetch’s use and distribution.